Tuesday, 2 April 2024


Bamboo can grow bigger than most trees and has a very hard outer layer yet it is in the Poaceae family; it is a type of grass. It is related to the grass that grows on lawns. 

Image generated by AI (wonder) 

Some species of Bamboo have been known to grow over 90cm in one day. They're the fastest growing plant in the world. Bamboo is also one of the most useful plants in the world, it has a wood like stem and the plant fibers can be used to make different papers, toilet paper, packaging and things like that. 

Source : Wikipedia

Saturday, 30 March 2024

Sainsbury's Train station

Sainsbury's Supermarket in Uxbridge used to be Uxbridge train station. The Sainsbury's in Uxbridge was originally Uxbridge train station but they later thought the train station should have direct access to the high street so they moved to another position nearby. 
image generated by AI (wonder) 

When the station was moved to the high street, there was a small shop there that remained. Later in 1985, Sainsbury's bought the disused station and shop and rebuilt the place as a supermarket. 

Sunday, 24 March 2024

Cows are Lactose Intolerant

Cows are Lactose intolerant. Just like almost all other mammals in the world, cows stop producing the lactase enzyme when they're adults so they get irritated by Lactose. Even though their milk has lactose in it, it would make them sick if they drank it and give them diarrhoea. 
image generated by AI

Friday, 22 March 2024

Space Sickness

Living for long periods of time in space can cause a range of illnesses. One such illness is Spaceflight Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome. The sickness is caused by fluids flowing into the head because the lower portion of your body forces blood upward. 
Image generated by AI. 

NASA was recently experimenting with cuff clothing you wear to help put pressure on your body and decrease the sickness. 

Source NASA.gov

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Big Ben

Many people think the giant clock attached to Westminster palace is called Big Ben but that was actually the name they gave to large 13 tonne bell inside the clock tower. The clock tower itself is called the Elizabeth tower. 
Not only does the Elizabeth clock tower have a giant bell but 4 smaller bells that play the 16 notes before the clock chimes. There are actually 5 bells and the big bell is called Big Ben. 

It's ok to call the giant clock Big Ben though. We all know what you mean. 

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

European Countries

Ukraine and France are the biggest countries in Europe, most of Russia is in Asia. France is twice the size of the United Kingdom. 
image generated by artificial intelligence (wonder AI) 
1. Russia - 17,098,242 square kilometers
2. Ukraine - 603,550 square kilometers
3. France - 551,695 square kilometers
4. Spain - 505,990 square kilometers
5. Sweden - 450,295 square kilometers
6. Norway - 385,207 square kilometers
7. Germany - 357,022 square kilometers
8. Finland - 338,455 square kilometers
9. Poland - 312,696 square kilometers
10. Italy - 301,340 square kilometers
11. United Kingdom - 242,495 square kilometers
12. Romania - 238,397 square kilometers
13. Belarus - 207,600 square kilometers
14. Greece - 131,957 square kilometers
15. Bulgaria - 110,879 square kilometers
16. Iceland - 103,000 square kilometers
17. Hungary - 93,030 square kilometers
18. Portugal - 92,090 square kilometers
19. Austria - 83,879 square kilometers
20. Czech Republic - 78,865 square kilometers
21. Serbia - 77,474 square kilometers
22. Ireland - 70,273 square kilometers
23. Lithuania - 65,300 square kilometers
24. Latvia - 64,589 square kilometers
25. Croatia - 56,594 square kilometers
26. Bosnia and Herzegovina - 51,209 square kilometers
27. Slovakia - 49,036 square kilometers
28. Estonia - 45,227 square kilometers
29. Denmark - 43,094 square kilometers
30. Switzerland - 41,290 square kilometers
31. Netherlands - 41,543 square kilometers
32. Moldova - 33,846 square kilometers
33. Belgium - 30,528 square kilometers
34. Albania - 28,748 square kilometers
35. North Macedonia - 25,713 square kilometers
36. Slovenia - 20,273 square kilometers
37. Montenegro - 13,812 square kilometers
38. Kosovo - 10,887 square kilometers
39. Cyprus - 9,251 square kilometers
40. Malta - 316 square kilometers

Source : Chat GPT 3.5 

Monday, 4 March 2024

Lottery Face

The Logo for the British National Lottery has a face hidden in plain sight. It looks like a hand with the fingers crossed for good luck, but when you take a closer look you can see it also has a face. 
The two curled up fingers are the eyes and the hand line is a mouth.